
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020

My job future

Hello, I have so many expectations with my future job, I hope that like you Miss Rosa, I´m satisfied with what I´m doing or working at that time.   I hope it´s a place that allows me to travel and know the world, that can keep me in constant learning, and I identify a lot with you, I feel that I need to do something that represents a challenge for me, I would like to work in a laboratory, creating and doing new and interesting things, lately I´m very afraid to speak in public, but I think I would enjoy teaching because it would represent leaving my comfort zone   , do something  that really poses a challenge for me, maybe if I have the opportunity in the future to take it.   But while that happens, I´m hopeful that my work will represent quality of life for someone else, or at least improve it representatively, I dream of being able to apply everything I have been learning and I have yet to learn, give it to society and make a difference.   In the first semester we went to an oncology

Video 2: My professional aspirations


A day´s to remember!

It really makes it hard for me to think of an extraordinary day, but there are two moments that have been very special to me, the first one includes my mom, I remember we went shopping, we had a delicious pasta, we ate ice cream, and we went to the movies together, they were rarely the ones that we have done things alone, but I remember feeling very special just having it for myself, and how much we laughed those times. Another extraordinary day was when my cousin I consider my big sister invited me to know the snow, we went with her boyfriend, we played with the snow, we took some pictures, and we laughed a lot, at the end of the day we went to the movies, I remember I said to my cousin: "on this day the fun does not end", it was very special, now that I always think about it in my special days is going to the cinema   , I think it's one of my favorite things, and I love going all the way to myself. It is a blessing to feel those you love nearby and share memories wi