A little about me.

Hi everyone! 
Today I would like to introduce myself and tell you a little about myself. I was born in February 1998 in Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela. I have been living in Chile since October 2017. I spent a year living in Viña del Mar and then to start my university studies I moved to the city of Santiago.

I studied at Colegio Emmanuel my complete secondary education, I made friendships that I keep until today, when I was seventeen I entered to study medicine and I studied until the third year, and then due to unfortunate situations I had to leave.

I have a younger brother, he and my parents are still in Venezuela, currently I live with my uncles and my four year old cousin, he is very sweet and funny.

I really enjoy watching series and movies, reading, practice pilates, drawing, embroidering, cooking cakes and cupcakes, I love to dance but above all I know new places traveling.
Thanks for reading me.


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