A small recommendation!

Hi, I hope everyone is well, today I would like to write about one of my favorite series, it´s called Anne with an E, it was produced by Netflix, it has three seasons, it tells the story of an orphan girl, and it´s one of her passions: reading and having a great imagination which helped her keep her good heart, to never stop believing that good things take a while but always come, and that if the wait is very long it is because incredible things come. It´s super nice to see her grow and progress in a town that is full of prejudice, but that in the end she with her good deeds and her good heart makes them change their minds. I love the friendship she has with Diana, I would love to be in college with my best friend, and not miss any detail of her life. 


  1. Thanks for this recommendation, this series see interesting, maybe i will see in this quarantine.

  2. very interesting, I want to see it, but the University has me collapsed TT_TT

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Omg! I love this series Anne is an incredible girl and the brave person

  5. I love this series is so beautiful and i cried all the seasons I need more of this!


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