Fav subject

Hello, I hope you´re very well, today I want to stay as honest as in the previous posts, my favorite subject in this semester is English, because I´m studying with very good friends, and I have a lot to write about that interests me, I love this language and I hope next year to have the time to attend more regular classes and commit to learning it because I really like it. I can say that all the teachers with whom I have seen the subject in the university have been incredible, I think that their good disposition and their passion for what they do have made me want to learn it more fluently, I feel that it is very necessary this activity because many people I know write in English is what costs them the most, the same thing happens to me, I´m a little afraid of making mistakes, although I know that it´s normal and is part of learning all things. Although I´m always nervous to open the camera, it is warm to see my colleagues and nice to see their participation, I feel good vibes around all of them.

See u!


  1. You are right Victoria, this language is beautiful and important, I am happy to be with you on this subject!

  2. English is exciting, I really like it and I hope that at some point we will all be able to master it without problems.


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